Monday, April 19, 2010

Our Crazy Life

Whats going on with us you ask? Craziness. This is CRCT week. When I was in school it was just CRT's. I hate this week. Gotta make the kids get in bed early. Try to force Grace to eat Breakfast (which she never does) give them encouragement, blah blah blah. Anyway it will be a long week. I think the kids secretly like it because they get to play the rest of the week and no homework. ( I am secretly happy about that last part).

I did hear back from Abbys lab results. All test were normal except one of the Mono titers came back high. Seems she has had mono in the last few months. This explains the tiredness. I am so glad to have a reason and she seems to be better everyday. We still struggle in the mornings. She gets that from me. I was horrible when I was younger. Ask my mom.

Gracie is going for Neuropsych testing in July. She had it right after the surgery. It is exhaustive. She is there all day. This is just a follow up before going to middle school. We had to fill out all this paper work. Crazy questions. Then her teacher had to do the same. I hope she continues to do well in Middle school. I just cant believe my baby is going off to middle school. Keep her in your prayers

Like I said last time we played in the yard all weekend. I spent like 300.00 at Lowes. I know Star the outside lawn and garden girl well. We planted bushes all along both sides of the house and spruced up the back yard some. I think it looks fabulous. So we totally ignored the inside of the house this weekend. Then this morning Derick calls me and says did you get my msg? Someone wants to show your house between 1230 and 2pm. WHAT!!!! OMG MY HOUSE LOOKS LIKE DUMP!!! I am in the middle of my Monday trip to 3 grocery stores and I have 2 hours til I pick up MP. So of course I rush home and clean the house. I am not having anyone come into my house when it looks like that. So I did it, they came to see the house. And like usual we will probably never hear from them again. At least my house is clean.

Tonight I met with my small group (11-12 grade girls) from OLC. This group is such a blessing. I am a leader with Suzy Jordan. She is just an awesome God loving woman and I am honored to know and work with her. We also have some really great girls. Girls who love God and are sincerely trying to live their lives for Him. Listening to these girls make me so jealous. I wish I had half the smarts they do as a teen. Not just in school but in the ways of the Lord. They just genuinely seem to have it all together and I am blessed every time we meet.

Well enough rambling for tonight. Talk to you soon....

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