Thursday, April 15, 2010

My AH-HA Moment

Before I get too carried away with my crazy life I want to share my testimony with you. I do not have one of those big flashy testimonies where I did drugs or spent time in jail or what not but every person has a testimony for a reason. And mine might be meant for you.

I grew up in a christian family. We went to church every time the doors were open. My mom taught Sunday school and Both parents were invloved in the youth activities. I went to Christian camps, my friends were my church friends, I was just always into church...I could tell you the right things to do when I was growing up and most of the time I did the right thing. I prayed the prayer of salvation when I was younger and recieved Christ. But it never clicked.

In 1988 my dad died of cancer. He was 39. I was 16. What a heart break. How could that happen. He was so young. So was I. My brother was even younger. This is when I started to question God. I knew in my heart that my daddy went to heaven. However I just wanted to know how a God that good could let something that bad happen. I remember laying in bed at night talking to God. Why did you take my daddy? Why did you do this to my mom and brother? I just don't understand. I had soo many questions.

When we were married Shannon and I continued to attend church. God had so richly blessed us with 2 beautiful healthy children, a loving supportive family, good jobs. Everything! We even had our 1st two girls Dedicated when they were infants. But we never fully turned our lives over to Christ.

As I mentioned before in 2007 Grace was diagnosed with a brain tumor. We were devestated. The tumor was operable and she was admitted to Scottish Rite for surgery. We were there 15 days. Our family and friends were AMAZING. Strangers were amazing. We were truly blessed throughout the whole ordeal. We had people in 5 states who were praying for Grace. I began praying earnestly. "God heal my baby. Dont take her from us. She has a purpose on this earth." I bargained with God. "Take me instead" or "if only you will heal her I will go to church every Sunday and read my Bible like I am suppose to". Well I dont know whose prayers God was listening to (probably not mine I was so selfish), but he answered them. Grace did wonderful. She was back in school a few short months later. and Now is like any other kid. Shannon and I started back to church immediately. We would go to Cedartown FBC on my weekends off. This was still not enough to make it click. We would quiz Abby after church. "What did the preacher speak on?", "Name 1 song we sang". Nothing, she had no clue. We just were not "feeling it."

In 2008 Abby was invited to FUEL. A student ministry of Oakleaf Church in Cartersville. She was on fire. She would come home and say "Oh my gosh momma Michael talked about Blah, Blah Blah or we sang this song and it was awesome". She was really getting the message now. Shannon and I thought "Ok we have to see what this is about." We attended our 1st service in the movie theater in January 09. It was and eye opener. Michael was an awesome "teacher of the Word" things started to make sense. In one service Michael talked about why God allows suffering. This really struck a cord with me. Why had God allowed some bad things happen in my life? I jumped in with both feet. I started scheduling my self off as many Sundays as I could. I wanted to hear more. I needed answers. And thats exactly what I got.

Sitting in Church one Morning I had an AH-HA moment I needed to accept Christ into my heart because I knew of the price he paid for my sins. Not because someone told me it was the right thing to do. All my life I had been living the Christian life my parents had raised me to follow. Never did I attend church because I was eager to learn about Gods Sacrifice or because I wanted to praise God for his blessings. Now that was changing. I made a decision that day to be Baptized publicly. I wanted my family and friends to know of the choice I had made. Abby and I were baptized in July. It was awesome to experience this together.

You know how I know things have changed in my life. Now when I start my prayers I praise God for all his blessings and mercy 1st. Then I thank him for all he has done for me. Lastly I bring names and events to Him and ask His will be done and for understanding if my will and His are not the same. I also know a change has come over me because I want to read His word, I want to attend as many classes at church to learn as much as I can about Him.

I want my friends to know I have made a change. I want them to see it, feel it when they talk to me. I am not the same old Nikki. I am renewed in Christ. I have been given a second chance. Christ died for my sins before I was even born.

So I want you to know. You can have your AH-HA moment too. Christ died for us all. Get yourself into church. Learn of what God did for you. Make the change now. He is everything you could need and want. I will pray for you. If you need someone to talk to call me.
I love you......

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