Friday, November 26, 2010

Soooooo Thankful

Over the years of my life I have had many thing to be truly thankful for. I look back on all the blessings in my life and I am truly grateful.

This year I am especially thankful for:
1. The gift of salvation, even though I am not worthy
2. The love of a good man, who thinks I am beautiful
3. Three children who are bad sometimes, but mostly are very good
4. My mother, who makes every effort to make those around her happy
5. My church and my church family, they have fed my family
6. Family, no matter what comes out of my mouth they are stuck with me!
7. Friends, I do NOT know what I would do without these sisters of mine
8. Hot chocolate
9. My childrens teachers. They have a very tough job.
10. Last but not least, my JOB. I love where I work.

Please take a moment this holiday season and remember what we have. We have so much to be thankful for.

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