Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My Daddy

The other day I was talking to someone about my dad and I realized that my dad has been out of my life longer than he was in it. For those of you who don't know, my dad died in 1988 when I was 16. He was 39. I know this is sad. It makes me sad to think about all the things he has missed in my life. He totally missed my high school graduation. He didn't get to walk me down the aisle. When my girls were born I didn't get to have him come into the delivery room afterwards and introduce him to my girls... He is not physically present at birthdays, holidays, recitals, big events, nothing....
But this does not mean he is not there. My dad may have been on this earth for 16 years of my life, but during that time he impressed on my a lifetime of valuable information. He taught me about love. My mom and dad had an unbelievable love. And they were not afraid to show it. My dad would do anything for someone who needed it. Which may be why I would do the same. He was such a family man, always doing for us kids so that we would have fun. And boy did we have fun!!!!!!
But most importantly he taught me about the love of Jesus. When my dad was sick, I never once heard him ask God why. Why him. Now he may have in his own private time or with my mom but never in front of me. This showed me such a strength and belief that he not only knew where he was going but that he would see us again.
So in believing this I know my dad is there. At my graduation, my wedding and every day he is there. Watching me raise my kids, helping me to do a good job with the training he gave me before he left. Watching me love the way he loved. What pride he must be feeling. Funny that this is exactly how our Heavenly Father feels too.
So yes , not a day goes by that I don't miss my dad, think about him, or wish he was still here. BUT I have a lifetime of memories that will get me through until me are together as a family again.

I love you daddy..... Thanks for everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

1 comment:

  1. Nikki Dee, This is like the 3rd or 4th time that I have read this, and each time I cry...He didn't wait to get to heaven to be an angel, he was already an angel here on Earth... I too loved your Dad, more than anything... He was my brother, my father, my friend.. and most of all he was my idol... when I fell in love with Alan, I only hoped that he was going to be 1/4th of the person your Dad was, and would love me like he loved your Mom... Maybe that was why I loved him so much... because of the way he treated my sister... She was his queen.. The one thing I am most certain of in this life is that he is in heaven and looking down on you with more pride than you could ever imagine.. You are the best Mom, Wife, friend and one absolutely wonderful heart is full of pride and I love You more than you will ever know...
