Friday, July 16, 2010

I miss You girls.....

My kids went to spend the night with Grammy. They went to celebrate Ella's birthday tonight and then Micah's tommorow. While they love going to Grammy's because it means playing with cousins, going to Unc Matt's, playing in the playroom, Grammy going to get breakfast, and so on and so on....I miss them tremendously. I left the house this morning at 0640 while they were all fast asleep and I won't get to see them until tommorrow night about 8ish. It really makes you think how much you love them. When we are home and they are crazy wild, or bored or lazy and I think I am going to send you all to live somewhere else!!!!!! Then they go away and I just want them home. I miss you girls soooo much. I love you all!!!

Tonight at Unc Matt's they are celebrating Ms. Ella's birthday. Ella is Matt's girlfriend Nicole's daughter. She and Mary Paige are just a few months apart. They play great together. We are so happy Unc Matt has Nicole in his life. We hope she and Ella stay around for a long time. We are getting very attached to them. Happy 4th Birthday Ms. Ella. Sorry I have to work and will miss your big party. Have fun and enjoy your special day!!!

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