Sunday, July 11, 2010

A Fun Saturday Night

Last night we had a special treat. Around 6ish Shannons mom and dad called and said they were coming to C'ville and wanted to know if we wanted to do supper. Uh, YE-AH! So we cleaned up and headed to LongHorn with Grammy and Pop ( what the kids call them). We had a really good dinner and then Pop took us all to Brusters for ice cream. We just hung out for a while and had a good ole time with Grammy and Pop.
Now They only live in Cedartown, which is only about 40 min away but we don't get to see them nearly as much as we like.
My "in laws" have been my 2nd set of parents for 22 years now. So you can see how I really consider them to be like my own mom and dad. As well as Shannons brothers and sisters. They are mine too. When I met Shannon my dad was in the hospital a lot and my mom had to be with him. I am not really sure where Jeff was all this time but I was in Cedartown. Shannons mom has fed me, hugged me, bought for me and loved me. His dad has had my car fixed, loaned me money, took me to dinner with the fam, and let his son ask me to marry him. They have put up with me for a loooonnnng time. I am very thankful for them and that they are awesome grandparents to my kids.
I love you Grammy and Pop. I am proud to be a Bentley!!!!!!!

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