Monday, June 14, 2010

Mary Paige's Big Weekend

Mary Paige started swimming this weekend! It was so cool to watch her slowly spread her wings and get braver with each time she got in the pool. Saturday was a scorcher and of course we spent all day at Nanas pool. She was already jumping off the side of the pool with her floaties on but she finally got brave enough to go off the diving board with her floaties of course but the pool is like 10feet deep. Thats a huge accomplishment for a 3 year old.

The next day we swam at Aunt Tara and Uncle Brians pool. By the end of the day she was jumping off the side of the pool, in the deep end, WITHOUT her floaties!!!! She would jump off and swim by- her-self to the ladder. She is so awesome! On top of that she's not just "jumping in" she is DIVING off the side. HEAD 1st!!!!!! It was years before I knew how to do this. So it was a busy weekend for Mary Paige.

So yes I am very proud of her. She is soooo brave but I am also frightened to death! She has no fear. NONE! One minute she is playing in the shallow end of the pool the next she is swimming toward you in the deep end. So I ask that you keep us in your prayers. Help me to never take my eyes off her for even one minute. I was never this scared with the big girls. Or maybe I was I just don't remember it.

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