Saturday, October 21, 2017

Get on Your "God Goggles"

I honestly wish these were a real thing. Like those sweet videos where a family member who is color blind receives those glasses that allow them to see color. Because Lord knows that I have a hard time remembering to put my googles on everyday. I love being a mom, I love Being a Nurse and a teacher, but I am so discontent with this world and the things that are happening. If I was better at seeing through Gods eyes I would see the kindness that still exists in our world and I would see that those people who "act out" the loudest have a reason. My prayer is that I see people the way Jesus sees people. That while I am here on this earth I don't do the judging just the loving.
Get on Your "God Goggles"

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How God works in mysterious ways

This morning was Tumor Clinic for Grace. We dread this morning, we have to get up early, travel 1 hour to the office and wait pretty much the whole morning to be seen by one specialist or the other. We praise God however that our visit is much shorter than others who have a tougher road ahead. As we sit in the waiting room with children who are bald, who should be walking but arent and those who just look like they feel horrible I say thanks to our God over and over for His miracle of saving our Gracie.

But on to the works of God in our lives this morning... I lost my debit card a week ago. I still dont have my new one. We were low on Gas but had enough to get us there.I was going to go to the bank to get cash this am but it doesnt open until 0715. So Grace in her tired voice says "do we have time to go to Chic Fil A?" (usually we stop 1 exit up from Dr's office) but this morning I said what the hay lets stop in C'ville. So I did. I gave the lady my credit card ( no debit card remember) and she hands me our food. She then looks at me and says "this card has expired". I look at it and sure enough it expired last night. I say I am sorry, I have no way to pay and hand her the food. This amazing woman in the car behind us yells, "hey, I'll get it!!", I am like "no way, its my fault, didnt realize the card expired". She says "really, I got it!" I am like "thank you so much" so we get our food and move on. Not that that was not a miracle enough (Thank you God for the kindness of strangers. Remind me to do the same for someone else) BUT the bigger miracle is that if we had not stopped at Chic Fil A in C'ville and learned that our card was expired I would have gotten to Atlanta possibly with enough gas, possibly not due to the horrendous traffic, but we would have never made it home. and I had NOTHING! So even when you think what crappy luck, I had no cash and my credit card was expired. It is good to know that God provided the knowledge of that before I got so far away that I could not have made it home.

I love you Lord!!!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Where Has the Time Gone?

I cannot believe it is February! This year has gotten off to a crazy start. I just wanted to pop on here tonight and see how long since I posted and it was thanksgiving. THANKSGIVING!!!!! I guess thats where it all started to go so crazy.....

On December the 10th I started my new job as director of the unit I have staffed on for 13 years. It is a dream come true. I was thinking the other day that it might have been perfect if it happened a year later. Then Mary Paige would have been in school full time and I wouldnt have to miss those extra days I got with just her. But God has a funny way of working things out. And I am thankful everyday that He has trusted me with such an awesome task.
On December 17th I got my acceptance letter to GA Highlands to start the process of getting my Bachelors degree.
Then Christmas of course, New Years, Time just rolled on....

Then I started school the first week of January and between family, work, school and being involved at church I have just been to busy to do some of the things I love, like blogging or reading or just sitting in front of the TV vegging out.

So if I am not able to post as much, thats OK. This crazy life we have is but a moment in God's story and I want to enjoy it as much as possible.

God has richly blessed me. I hope that I do something for someone to Bless them.

Some things in my life that bless me:
1. Reading my post about my dad and seeing my Nana's comments. I knew I wasnt the only one to love him but its nice to hear others stories
2. Getting the news that GG's MRI was once again clear... I told her if thats the only good news I get this year I am good. (and I mean it)
3. Watching Abby blossom into a young lady and expeirence her 1st love
4. Mary Paige coming to me with another story. In her 4year old voice and animation sometimes it is better than a book from the best author.
5. Game nights with Nana and pawpaw. They dont realize it but it is my favorite night of the week.
6. Knowing we are getting another Bentley baby this year. What is more fun than that?
7. Knowing that Shannon and I are securing our financial future by absorbing as much knowledge as we can on the subject and doing. It. Together!

Lets go 2011..........

Friday, November 26, 2010

Soooooo Thankful

Over the years of my life I have had many thing to be truly thankful for. I look back on all the blessings in my life and I am truly grateful.

This year I am especially thankful for:
1. The gift of salvation, even though I am not worthy
2. The love of a good man, who thinks I am beautiful
3. Three children who are bad sometimes, but mostly are very good
4. My mother, who makes every effort to make those around her happy
5. My church and my church family, they have fed my family
6. Family, no matter what comes out of my mouth they are stuck with me!
7. Friends, I do NOT know what I would do without these sisters of mine
8. Hot chocolate
9. My childrens teachers. They have a very tough job.
10. Last but not least, my JOB. I love where I work.

Please take a moment this holiday season and remember what we have. We have so much to be thankful for.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

My Daddy

The other day I was talking to someone about my dad and I realized that my dad has been out of my life longer than he was in it. For those of you who don't know, my dad died in 1988 when I was 16. He was 39. I know this is sad. It makes me sad to think about all the things he has missed in my life. He totally missed my high school graduation. He didn't get to walk me down the aisle. When my girls were born I didn't get to have him come into the delivery room afterwards and introduce him to my girls... He is not physically present at birthdays, holidays, recitals, big events, nothing....
But this does not mean he is not there. My dad may have been on this earth for 16 years of my life, but during that time he impressed on my a lifetime of valuable information. He taught me about love. My mom and dad had an unbelievable love. And they were not afraid to show it. My dad would do anything for someone who needed it. Which may be why I would do the same. He was such a family man, always doing for us kids so that we would have fun. And boy did we have fun!!!!!!
But most importantly he taught me about the love of Jesus. When my dad was sick, I never once heard him ask God why. Why him. Now he may have in his own private time or with my mom but never in front of me. This showed me such a strength and belief that he not only knew where he was going but that he would see us again.
So in believing this I know my dad is there. At my graduation, my wedding and every day he is there. Watching me raise my kids, helping me to do a good job with the training he gave me before he left. Watching me love the way he loved. What pride he must be feeling. Funny that this is exactly how our Heavenly Father feels too.
So yes , not a day goes by that I don't miss my dad, think about him, or wish he was still here. BUT I have a lifetime of memories that will get me through until me are together as a family again.

I love you daddy..... Thanks for everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Friday, October 8, 2010

Happy Birthmonth to my Friend of the Day

Tracy is totally my friend of the day. Sometimes when you meet people you become friends. Not always good friends but friends. Then over the years as you are around that person more and more and in more personal situations you get closer. This sums up my friendship with Tracy. I met Tracy several years ago at work. I knew immediately that I liked her but I did not know to what depths she could love her friends. Tracy is an awesome friend. She is an awesome hostess, one of the funniest people I know and an awesome gift giver. She is one of those people who are always there for her friends. And I am lucky to be one of them.
I am sooooooooo glad that Tracy and I have evolved our relationship. Lately we have become a little closer through our children dating (and by dating I mean conversing through texts). I have to say this thrills me to no end. Knowing that when your child "goes out" with someone they will be with another person you trust gives immeasurable comfort. I hope this last forever!!!!!
My friend Tracy is so special she deserves not just a day but a month!!!! So happy birthmonth Tracy.

Thanks for being my friend........

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Mrs. Bentley to the Principal's Office

My friend of the Day is Nicole Miller Bentley.....

OK I have known Nicole for a very short time. The first time I met her she was very quiet and reserved. So I wasn't too sure about her. But after a few times I said something to Nicole and in true Nikki fashion she has a smart a-- remark and I thought oohhhh I like this girl!!!! She has a great sense of humor, She is a God Loving woman, and she married my Matt. (That alone deserves some praise!) This last Saturday I spent a few hours with Nicole just talking. It is soooo easy to talk to her. She has a lot life experience for such a young person. She gives good feed back when you share a problem with her. I just totally feel like she is a friend to keep. And did I tell you she married Matt!!!!

I look forward to many memories with Matt, Nicole and Ella. She is the perfect addition to the Bentley family. I am always here for ya Nicole! I know you would say the same thing....

Thank you for being my friend......