Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Friend of The Day

Did I ever mention to you that I have the best friends ever? I did? Oh well I am telling you again... I have the best friends EVER!!!!! My friends know exactly when to pick me up, exactly when I need encouraging, exactly when I need a hug.

My friend of the day is Dana McBurnett. I truly love her. Dana was one of my special buddies on night shift. ( and by special I dont mean a ratard). Dana is probably my earliest friends in L&D. She liked me before I was cool. Heck she probably made me cool. I remember some good times on nights with Dana and one really sad one when she thought I was leaving her forever :-(.

Dana is always ready to have fun. She is friends with everyone. She is someone I am really glad is on my team. And she can burp louder than any drunk red neck I know.

Dana, Thanks for loving me, thanks for always being there for me, thanks for listening to me, crying with me, holding my hand when I am sad. Thanks for dancing with me at parties, singing Tim and Faith duets with me, making me laugh, all of it. I love you, always will.

Thank you for being my friend...

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