Thursday, September 2, 2010

Friend of the Day

Today I have another friend in mind who deserves to be my friend of the day. And today is her birthday.... My friend Tammy Williams.

What can I say about Tammy.... I met Tammy when she started taking care of our babies in the nursery. I knew instantly when I met her we would be friends. In the nursery it didnt take me long to realize she wasn't just nice, she was SMART! So I promptly moved my kids to her practice. I knew I wanted someone to take care of my kids who I felt I could really talk to and she has never let me down. One thing that Tammy and I share that not a lot of people can say about her is she diagnosed my child with a brain tumor ( yeah some friend huh?). Well what makes the friend part was she said " I called Cyler, he's got Ben and I am ready to go with to the hospital" She went with us and helped us get Grace admitted. She didnt leave until after 9pm. I don't know what we would have done with out her, probably sit in the Harbin Clinic parking lot staring at the road.

BUT, the good times were being there when she had her 2 beautiful boys, knowing she trusted me with such a momentous day, Lunches at Dragon Garden, Belly pictures she did of me and the girls when I was Pregnant with MP, Long talks on the phone, and many more memories to come...

She's proven she would be there for my family and that is number 1 in my book....

Happy birthday to a great friend and doctor....

Thank you for being my friend

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