Sunday, October 3, 2010

Mrs. Bentley to the Principal's Office

My friend of the Day is Nicole Miller Bentley.....

OK I have known Nicole for a very short time. The first time I met her she was very quiet and reserved. So I wasn't too sure about her. But after a few times I said something to Nicole and in true Nikki fashion she has a smart a-- remark and I thought oohhhh I like this girl!!!! She has a great sense of humor, She is a God Loving woman, and she married my Matt. (That alone deserves some praise!) This last Saturday I spent a few hours with Nicole just talking. It is soooo easy to talk to her. She has a lot life experience for such a young person. She gives good feed back when you share a problem with her. I just totally feel like she is a friend to keep. And did I tell you she married Matt!!!!

I look forward to many memories with Matt, Nicole and Ella. She is the perfect addition to the Bentley family. I am always here for ya Nicole! I know you would say the same thing....

Thank you for being my friend......

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