Summer has set in. The kids are constantly bored. The house is a constant mess. The grocery bill is higher. I cant go anywhere by myself. UGH!!!!! We have VBS this week. Maybe that will occupy them for a while.
Mary Paige is in this mode where she thinks if she repeats something over and over it will get done faster. Today while grocery shopping she wanted Mc Donalds. I told her if she could be quiet for a few minutes I would take her to get something to eat. So sitting in the Walmart bugy she repeated over and over "I want some McDonalds, I want some McDonalds, I want some McDonalds" I said "if you don't zip it we are not going to get anything". "I want some McDonalds, I want some McDonalds, I want some McDonalds" ( now imagine this in your most whiniest voice). I said "if you dont ZipIT your are not getting anything to eat". This went on for the entire trip. No she didnt get McDonalds. Lesson learned. This just reminds me why I like to shop alone!
Gracie took Tennis lessons last week. She liked it. Thinks she might like to try out for the middle school team next year. We will see about that. I am also playing tennis again. You may not know this but I played tennis back in high school. Guess what? I stunk then too!
Abby had her 1st Date (kinda) You know the kind where your parents take you to the movies to meet a boy. Luckily I know the guys mom so we dropped them off and went to have some BBQ as a form of Prozac. Of course they have since broke up which devestates us moms. We had Christmas' planned and everything. She is the type of in law I would not mind adding to the family. I guess it was just wishful thinking.
Right now I am at work. My family is at home asleep. When I get home there will be stuff that has to be done and peeps that are ready to go go go. So it should be an interesting day. My friend Angie is having surgery in the morning. Say a prayer for her. It never hurts to have extra people praying for you......
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