This morning was Tumor Clinic for Grace. We dread this morning, we have to get up early, travel 1 hour to the office and wait pretty much the whole morning to be seen by one specialist or the other. We praise God however that our visit is much shorter than others who have a tougher road ahead. As we sit in the waiting room with children who are bald, who should be walking but arent and those who just look like they feel horrible I say thanks to our God over and over for His miracle of saving our Gracie.
But on to the works of God in our lives this morning... I lost my debit card a week ago. I still dont have my new one. We were low on Gas but had enough to get us there.I was going to go to the bank to get cash this am but it doesnt open until 0715. So Grace in her tired voice says "do we have time to go to Chic Fil A?" (usually we stop 1 exit up from Dr's office) but this morning I said what the hay lets stop in C'ville. So I did. I gave the lady my credit card ( no debit card remember) and she hands me our food. She then looks at me and says "this card has expired". I look at it and sure enough it expired last night. I say I am sorry, I have no way to pay and hand her the food. This amazing woman in the car behind us yells, "hey, I'll get it!!", I am like "no way, its my fault, didnt realize the card expired". She says "really, I got it!" I am like "thank you so much" so we get our food and move on. Not that that was not a miracle enough (Thank you God for the kindness of strangers. Remind me to do the same for someone else) BUT the bigger miracle is that if we had not stopped at Chic Fil A in C'ville and learned that our card was expired I would have gotten to Atlanta possibly with enough gas, possibly not due to the horrendous traffic, but we would have never made it home. and I had NOTHING! So even when you think what crappy luck, I had no cash and my credit card was expired. It is good to know that God provided the knowledge of that before I got so far away that I could not have made it home.
I love you Lord!!!!